Monday, November 17, 2008

Science Journalism...

...I ran across this blog entry by Matt Brown on Nature Network and he did a nice write up on how you get into science journalism that I thought I would just pass along for those who are interested.  He outlines 1) Why you would be interested in it,  2) Some myths that are associated with the career, 3) Some skills you will need, and 4) Some tips on how to get into science journalism.

Also...I hope all is well and that everyone is plugging away at discovering or pursuing their alternative science career!!


The bean-mom said...

Nice article! Thanks for the link!

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Thanks Rhea! I'd been meaning to post that link for ages, thank you for having more blogging get-up-and-go than me!

Matt also has other posts in the same series:

"Working as a scientist in the beauty industry"

"What is a CRO, and why would you want to work for one?"

"Volunteering as a scientist overseas"